Delete AusweisApp2 residue-free

Delete registry entries

While using and configuring AusweisApp2, entries are written to the registry of your Windows PC. The registry is the main configuration-saving database for your Windows operating system. Windows operating system’s information and information from other programs installed on your computer is stored here.


Editing the registry requires great care. Changes to the registry can alter your Windows operating system in way that it can no longer be executed correctly.

You can leave the registry entries unchanged. Your Windows operating system is neither becoming slower nor instable if you do not delete entries from AusweisApp2.

Delete program settings and history

In order to change or delete entries in the registry, you have to call the registry editor:

  1. Click on the search bar at the bottom on the left on your monitor.


Fig. 96 Start Windows Search

  1. Enter the command regedit and click on “regedit.exe” in the result list.


    Fig. 97 Start registry editor


You need administrator privileges to edit the registry. Answer the questions with “Yes“ if you want to proceed with the following steps.


Fig. 98 User account control

The registry editor opens. Navigate to folder “Governikus GmbH & Co. KG”.

In order to navigate there, click one by one on the triangles next to the folders:


  • OK Software

  • OK Governikus GmbH & Co. KG




    Fig. 100 Software


    Fig. 101 Governikus GmbH & Co. KG


    Entries in the registry are displayed like the directory tree in Windows Explorer. To expand or collapse the display of subdirectories, click on the triangle icons on the left hand side. ALternatively, you can double-click on the folder symbol / folder name.

  1. Delete folder Governikus GmbH & Co. KG on the left side. Right-click with the mouse on the folder and select “delete


    Fig. 102 Delete registry entry “Settings”

    You will be prompted to confirm deleting of registry entry. Answer with “Yes”.


    Fig. 103 Confirm delete of registry entry

Delete entry of automatic start of AusweisApp2

A further registry entry is created for the AusweisApp2’s automatic start-up on system start. As described under Delete program settings and history navigate to:

  1. Click on “Run” on the left side.


    Fig. 104 Choose entry “Run”

#. Klicken Sie in der rechten Seite des Fensters mit der rechten Maustaste auf den Eintrag “AusweisApp2”. Klicken Sie in dem sich öffnenden Menü auf “Löschen”.


Fig. 105 Delete entry “AusweisApp2”

You will be prompted to confirm deleting of the highlighted entry. Click on “Yes”.


Fig. 106 Confirm delete of value “AusweisApp2”

After deleting of the registry entries you can close the registry.


Changes to the registry are immediately taken over by the registry database. An additional saving is not required.

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