Transport PIN

Prior to using your ID card for the online identification, you have to allocate a six-digit PIN and activate your ID card. You can do this in three different ways:

  1. Upon issue of your identification document from the relevant authority.

  2. By ordering a PIN reset letter.

  3. By setting the six-digit PIN once with the transport PIN. You will find it in the PIN letter of Bundesdruckerei.


Difference between ID card PIN and transport PIN

  • Transport PIN:

    The transport PIN has five digits. It is a safety feature to activate your ID card.

  • PIN:

    The ID card PIN has six digits. You need it to authenticate yourself and change your PIN.

Set your six-digit PIN with your transport PIN

  1. Open Change my (Transport) PIN of the AusweisApp2.


Fig. 60 Dialog “Change my (Transport) PIN” of the AusweisApp2

  1. Click on the button labeled “five-digit Transport PIN” to switch to the entry of the transport PIN.


Fig. 61 Schritt 2: Request for Transport PIN entry

  1. Enter now the five-digit transport PIN and confirm the dialog by clicking the arrow. You find the PIN in PIN letter of Bundesdruckerei.


Fig. 62 Step 3: Enter five-digit transport PIN

  1. Enter your new personalized six-digit PIN and confirm the dialog.


Fig. 63 Step 4: Enter new six-digit PIN

  1. Enter your new personalized six-digit PIN again and confirm the dialog.


Fig. 64 Step 5: Repeat six-digit PIN

Your PIN will now get set. Afterwards you will get a result, informing you about success or failure.

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