List of providers

Search table of providers

Zunächst können Sie die Menge der dargestellten Dienstanbieter durch die Kartenreiter an der linken Seite auf eine bestimmte Kategorie von Dienstanbietern einschränken. Diese Eingrenzung der Anbieter wirkt sich auf die Suche aus.

You can search the table for entries as follows:

  1. Click into the text field on the upper right “Search providers“.

  2. Enter your search term on your computer’s keyboard.


The search is not case-sensitive. It is also possible to enter parts of a word, such as gov for Governikus.


Fig. 28 Use the search function to filter the provider list


  • Entering https detects all rows in which the address starts with this protocol.

  • Entering stelle detects all names and addresses featuring these characters, e.f. Meldestelle or Zulassungsstelle.

If there are more search results in deselected categories you will be informed by a small notice. You can lift your selection by either clicking directly on the button inside the notice or by selecting the tab „All provider“.

Open details of a provider


Fig. 29 Provider details

To show the details for a service provider you are interested in click on his card. The detail page for the corresponding provider will open. In the upper right-hand corner you can find contact informations. In the lower left-hand corner a description about the offered service from the service provider is shown, if he provided one. In the lower right section you can find a history of prior identifications with this service provider (if you approved the creation of a history).

By clicking the „To online application“ button on the right side you will open the website of the service provider. You can then start a identification process from this website.