Quit AusweisApp2

Use the AusweisApp2 icon in the Windows system tray to quit the program. Right-click on the AusweisApp2 icon in the Windows system tray to display the option “Exit AusweisApp2”.


Fig. 13 Option “Exit AusweisApp2” in the Windows system tray


What to do if the icon of AusweisApp2 is missing?

If the AusweisApp2 icon is not displayed in the Windows system tray, you can Show AusweisApp2 icon in Windows tray


The button “Close” does not exit the AusweisApp2 but closes the user interface.


Fig. 14 Close user interface

You will be shown a notice dialog informing you about it. The extra closing step can be deactivated by setting the check mark in the notice dialog.


Fig. 15 Dialog window when closing the user interface

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