Ordering a PIN reset letter

If you no longer know your six-digit PIN, you can order a PIN reset letter. To do this, the PIN of your ID card will be set to a new value, which will then be sent to you by letter. The letter will be sent to your registered address.

  1. Open Change my (Transport) PIN of the AusweisApp2.


Fig. 73 Dialog “Change my (Transport) PIN” of the AusweisApp2

  1. Click the button labeled “Six-digit PIN”.


Fig. 74 Dialog “PIN unknown”

  1. Click on “to the provider” to start the process. You will be directed to the website for ordering the PIN reset letter.

  2. Follow the instructions on the website. In the process, you will be directed back to AusweisApp2 to identify yourself with your ID card.

  3. Follow the steps of General process of the online identification function. Make sure, however, that as instructed in the process, the CAN must be used instead of the PIN. You will find the six-digit CAN on the front of your ID card in the lower right corner. Please also note the general information on the CAN.


Fig. 75 National ID card - position of Card Access Number (CAN)