> Developer Mode

The developer mode is aimed at integrators / developers for new service applications. For this reason, the developer mode works only in the test PKI. By activating the developer mode, some safety tests are deactivated. This means that the authentication process continues although the AusweisApp2 would usually abort the process with an error message when used in normal operation mode. Information on the disregarded error in the developer mode is displayed in the attached window below the AusweisApp2.

Activate Developer Mode

In order to activate the developer mode, choose “Help” in the menu bar and click on “About AusweisApp2”. Tick the box next to “Developer mode” and press “OK”.


Excluded Safety Tests

If the developer mode is activated some safety tests are deactivated. A message is added to the developer mode protocol if one of the disabled safety tests would fail during normal operation.

The following safety tests are disabled in developer mode:

  • The used TLS keys and ephemeral TLS keys have the necessary minimum length.
  • The URL of the TLS certificate description of the eID server and the TcToken URL must fulfill the same-origin policy.
  • The used TLS certificates must be entwined with the authorization certificate.
  • The RefreshAddress URL and possible redirect URLs must conform to the HTTPS schema.

Deactivate the Developer Mode

You can disable the developer mode by following a similar procedure as for the activation. Open the dialog “About AusweisApp2”. Untick the option “Developer mode” and press “OK”. Alternatively, click on the button labelled “Disable” in the upper right-hand corner of the developer mode protocol.