
Legal Notice

Image detail of a typewriter with the word imprint


Image detail of a typewriter with the word imprint

Responsible for the Content

Governikus GmbH & Co. KG
- on behalf of the Federal Office for Information Security -
Hochschulring 4, 28359 Bremen

Phone support: + 49 (0)421 204 95 -995

Legal Notes

The online forms, texts, images and graphics are offered by Governikus GmbH & Co. KG. They are exclusively available to the personal service and for the personal information of the user.

Copying, publication or storage in databases as well as any form of commercial use or transfer to a third party is not allowed. The copyright for online forms, texts, images and graphics is held by Governikus KG and the private and public service providers.

External Links

Several courts have ruled that linking to external pages may entail shared responsibility for the contents of the external links. This can only be prevented by explicitly distancing oneself from these contents.

Our pages contain links to other pages on the Internet.

The following applies to all links: We declare that we do not have any influence on the design and content of the linked pages.

Therefore we hereby explicitly distance ourselves from all content of all pages linked on our website and do not regard them as part of our own content. This declaration applies to all links on our website and to all content of pages to which banners and links on our website refer.

Contact Information

Governikus GmbH & Co. KG
Hochschulring 4
28359 Bremen

Phone: +49 421 204 95-0
Fax: + 49 421 204 95-11


Chairman of the supervisory board: Carola Heilemann-Jeschke
Managing directors: Dr. Stephan Klein, Holger Mohrmann
Bremen local court: HRA 22041
St.-Nr. 7154511541 - USt-ID-Nr. DE203827312

Personally liable partner

Governikus Bremen GmbH
Managing directors: Dr. Stephan Klein, Holger Mohrmann
Bremen local court: HRB 18756