
Accessibility Statement of the Software AusweisApp

White keyboard with green key for accessibility


White keyboard with green key for accessibility

This accessibility statement applies to the version 2.1.0 of the AusweisApp available at

As the party responsible for the software - on behalf of the German Federal Office for Information Security - we strive to make our software accessible in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Disability Equality Act (BGG) and the Barrier-Free Information Technology Ordinance (BITV 2.0) implementing Directive (EU) 2016/2102.

When was the accessibility statement created or updated?

This accessibility statement (as of 17.04.2024) applies to version 2.1.0 of the software  and is based on a self-assessment carried out in the period from 01.03.2024 to 07.04.2024 based on the current draft (as of 07.04.2024) of the BIK BITV test for mobile apps  (

How accessible is the application?

The application is only partially accessible. It only partially meets the requirements of the Barrier-Free Information Technology Ordinance (BITV) 2.0.

Which areas are not accessible?

The following incompatibilities with BITV 2.0 exist:

Barriers to adaptability

  • Headings are sometimes not recognized as such. The order is not always meaningful
  • Concerns BITV test steps and
  • Measure: Headings are marked in such a way that they can be determined programmatically
  • Timeline: Fix in 2025

Barriers to keyboard operability

  • Interaction options are not always obvious
  • Concerns BITV test steps
  • Measure: The interaction possibilities should be optimized and clarified.
  • Timeline: Fix in 2025

Barriers to navigability

  • The focus sequence is not always coherent. The focus is not always visible.
  • Concerns BITV test steps and
  • Measure: The focus order should be logically arranged and it should be ensured that the focus is clearly visible.
  • Timeline: Fix in 2025

Barriers to compatibility

  • The name, the role and the value of the element is not displayed or clear for all elements. Object information is sometimes displayed twice and is not always clear enough. Text content is not always automatically displayed in the visible area and there is not always a change notification after interacting with an object.
  • Concerns BITV test step,, and
  • Measure: The name, role, and value should be clearly displayed for all elements as much as possible.
  • Timeline: Fix in 2025

Barriers when adapting the font customization

  • Text cannot be enlarged to 200%.
  • Concerns BITV test step 11.7
  • Measure: It should be ensured that the text can be enlarged to 200%. System-wide settings should be applied.
  • Timeline: Fix in 2025

Report barriers: Contact persons

Would you like to inform us of existing barriers or request information on the implementation of accessibility? Please use the contact form provided.

Contact the conciliation body

If no satisfactory solution has been found even after your feedback to the above-mentioned contact, you can turn to the conciliation office pursuant to § 16 BGG. The BGG conciliation body has the task of supporting out-of-court dispute resolution in conflicts on the issue of accessibility between people with disabilities and federal public bodies. The conciliation procedure is free of charge. No legal assistance is required. Further information on the conciliation procedure and the possibilities for submitting applications can be found at:

You can contact the BGG conciliation office directly at